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Apple Plumbing Services in Scottsdale, AZ

When You Need A Plumber, Pick Apple!

Residential & Commercial Plumbing

Apple Plumbing is a family-owned and operated plumbing company offering comprehensive residential and commercial services. From new installations and replacement plumbing to annual maintenance and emergency repairs, our team of qualified and experienced technicians is here to serve you with friendly and reliable service. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

Faucets & Fixtures Services
Faucets & Fixtures
Water Treatment in Scottsdale, AZ
Water Treatment
Water Heater Services
Water Heater
Specialty Plumbing
Specialty Plumbing
Gas Line Installation in Scottsdale, AZ
Natural Gas
Plumbing Remodel in Scottsdale, AZ

We Can Handle All of Your Plumbing Needs

As your trusted plumbing company, we can handle all your home or commercial plumbing needs. We are your one-stop shop for simple plumbing repairs, complex issues, or plumbing upgrades and installations. We will treat you like family while performing work in your home. We offer:
Faucet and sink fixture repairs and installation

Water Heater Installation in Scottsdale, AZ

Why Choose Apple Plumbing?

We understand you have choices when it comes to hiring a plumber for your home or business. We go the extra mile to ensure our customers are confident with the work and service we provide, no matter how large or small the job is. Why should you choose us?

  • Our company is family-owned and operated
  • We have been in business for more than 35 years
  • Our technicians are all experienced and qualified plumbers
  • We are licensed, bonded, and insured

Schedule Your Plumbing Service Today

When you need a reliable, local plumber in the Scottsdale, AZ area, give Apple Plumbing a call. Our motto is “Take Care of the Customer.” We don’t spend time trying to sell you extra services or things you don’t need. Our focus is on understanding your needs or goals, assessing the situation, and providing an affordable solution so that you can get back to your daily routine. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

See What Our Clients Have to Say